Saturday, January 2, 2010

Where in the world???

In October 2009, I moved from New York to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

From here:

And here:

To here:

and here:

It was a big move! The Democratic Republic of Congo is often called DRC. There is another country right next door that's also called Congo, so it can be confusing. I'm living in the capital of DRC, Kinshasa. Sometimes people call this country "Congo-Kinshasa" to make sure people know where they're talking about.

To get here, I took a plane from New York to Brussels, Belgium and then another plane from Belgium to Kinshasa. It took me nearly 24 hours to get here.

DRC is the country that's kind of in the middle of Africa. Here's a confusing situation: if you look at the map on this blog, you'll notice that DRC is not called DRC, Congo, or Congo-Kinshasa. It is called Zaire. That is an old name for this country, but not all maps have been changed.

If you have a map or a globe at home, can you find New York, Belgium, and the DRC? What does your map call the country where I'm living -- DRC, Congo-Kinshasa, or Zaire? Can you trace the route I took by airplane to get to Kinshasa?

On your map, can you find the Republic of Congo and the Congo River? What is the capital of the Republic of Congo? If where I'm living is sometimes called Congo-Kinshasa, what do you think the other Congo is sometimes called?

You can post answers to these questions as well as questions or comments of your own in the comments area below.

Next time, we'll look at the size of Africa and of DRC. You might be surprised.